The sun was about to rise over the ridge and the wisps of low clouds in front of the distant vista was so pretty! Horses out in the pasture can be seen past the garden yard and the low shush-shush-shush of the sprinklers is interrupted only by the proud crowing of the rooster as he rouses his flock.
The view from the other side of the house/barn is the opposite ridge that rims this beautiful river valley they call home. Here's a photo from her kitchen window. Peeking through the forest of hollyhocks, past the beautiful clematis covered gate arbor, you can see more of these low wispy clouds.

As the sun's first rays hit the clouds, the play of light and shadow on the stark landscape of the ridge is quite lovely, but very different from the forests of my side of the Cascades and the beach side vistas of our little bay.
The sun is bright, today is going to be a warm one. Shep has closed all the windows to preserve the coolness of the night's breezes. Jannie has started her morning routine and I am eager to start the day, as I am incorporated into their Life In The Barn.