This morning, I want to wish a very Happy 20th Birthday to our Baby-Girl. Although, she will not officially arrive at the 2 decade mark till 9:48pm, she maintains that we celebrate birth-days, not birth-minutes so we will start the celebration early!
Even at birth she was eager and ready to go! A fast delivery, after labor of only three and a half hours, she burst into our lives with energy and an eagerness for life! A tiny bundlle of live-wire with the most beautifully shaped mouth and a smile that still lights up a room!
Today, she is a beautiful, thoughtful and loving young woman. I am in awe of the tiny babe, I once held in my arms, has grown into such an amazing person. She works full-time in a lead position of the photo department for a major chain store while carrying a full credit load at college. And yet, she still finds time for family and friends and to pursue her love of photography.
And boy, does she ever adores babies! And it's mutual, she draws children to her like a magnet! She will be a wonderful mother when the times comes to marry and start a family!
That thought gives me goosebumps, thinking about how it will feel when I see her as I can still see myself, if I but close my eyes. Closing my eyes, I can still see her infant smile looking up at me while in my arms, and if I concentrate I swear I can feel the weight of her little head against my breast and smell the sweetest little soft spot on top of her head. It comes back so quickly and so powerfully it brings tears to my eyes.
Today is one of the three special days that I thank God for giving me the precious Gift of life!
Tonight, as I watched our family interact with each other while dining out, celebrating, laughing and sharing our day with each other, I am most aware that it is a Gift that still continues on. I am aware this Gift of life expands ever onward into my future, unfolding in new and unexpected ways as I see my children grow into adulthood.
What a blessing!!! Thank you, Lord for this day and for all you have given me.

DaughterA @ 240 months ( minus 2.5 hours)
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