Having spent the last 7 spring seasons on one fastpitch field or another huddled under an umbrella, I'm pretty sure this past month of Sundays are the first I can remember having consecutive sunny weekends! I am in gardening heaven!
This past Sunday afternoon found daughters, A and S battling the montrous weeds that now inhabit the flower bed that seperates our side yard from the neighbor's. As you can see from the picture above, it was quite a task. The next photo shows how gigantic the blackberry roots were!

We got about 1/3 of the length of this bed (that runs from the front of the garage to the back corner of our lot) weeded before they ran out of energy. My girls provided all the muscle that day. I just sifted through the loosened soil, pulling out the extensive roots of lemon balm after leaning over too far and having my low back slip out. Fortunately, I had a muscle relaxant handy and within an hour or so it had gone back into place. Phew! I had been so careful about not lifting too much or twisting with a load and then wham, all I did was lean forward. I am so thankful that it's not giving me any problems this week!!!!
About 2/3 of this raised bed will get sunshine most of the day. So this will be our Square Foot Gardening vegie garden. We bought Roly Poly and regualr zuchinni starts, cucumber starts, bush bean seeds all to be interspersed with giant zinnias, marigolds, 4 O'clocks, maybe even a couple of squares of wild flower mix. As soon as we get the soil enriched with compost, get the squares partitioned off with twine and the starts and seeds in, I'll post a picture so we will have a 'before' picture to compare at the end of the growing season. Happy planting!